Apollo Electronic Cigar (E-Cigar)
Designed and developed in the Apollo Labs in California, this unit's a little larger than most e-cigs (it houses a larger battery good for up to 1500 puffs) and is weighted to approximate the weight of a fine, hand-rolled cigar classic tobacco flavour with subtle earthy-sweet undertones and notes of cedar on the finish.
- Buy 3 for €14.00 each and save 7%
- Buy 10 for €13.00 each and save 13%
- Buy 20 for €12.00 each and save 20%
Sometimes vape pens feel too small for people who enjoy cigars... Indulge yourself witha rich, classic tobacco flavour with subtle earthy-sweet undertones and notes of cedar on the finish. This electronic cigar will meet the expectations of any smoker.
Designed and developed in the Apollo Labs in California, this unit's a little larger than most e-cigs (it houses a larger battery good for up to 1500 puffs) and is weighted to approximate the weight of a fine, hand-rolled cigar.
Cigars are for moments. Celebrate in style enjoy a rich, classic tobacco flavour with subtle earthy-sweet undertones and notes of cedar on the finish, and leave the carcinogens behind. Smells like victory.
On this cheap e-cigarette, there is no compromise on the quality.
Each Apollo e-cigar box includes:
- 1 Apollo e-cigar
- 1 1300mah battery (internal)
- Battery capacity: 1300mah (up to 1500 quality puffs)
- Nicotine Strength: 16mg
Celebrating with friends? Cigars are a great way to mark a memorable occasion but smoking's not exactly in vogue these days. Luckily, everyone can appreciate a rich vape without worrying about carcinogens clogging up their lungs (or smelling up their suits).